

A strong media profile reassures investors, customers and employees alike. At the most basic level it demonstrates that journalists, 谁(大部分)被认为是中立的, 看到你品牌的价值. 和, if someone researching your company online is greeted by a host of positive articles, your credentials are assured before they even reach your website.

If you have not previously engaged a PR agency, it can be hard to know where to begin. So we’ve provided seven tips that will help you get started.

  1. 明确你的目标

Before diving in, think about what you want PR to do for you. Are you trying to attract investors, recruit a specialist team or just sell more stuff? 或者,所有这些东西?

Take some time to consider what you need to say and to whom. What’s the profile of the audience you need to reach? 他们关心什么?  联系他们的最好方式是什么?

Answering these questions will help you to formulate your messages and decide the kind of PR activities you could be doing. 科技创业公司, PR is rarely a question of sending out a news release and sitting back to await the call from 《澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台》杂志 or TechCrunch.

  1.  把你的故事讲清楚

Once you’ve sorted out what you’re trying to do, focus on the stories ­— starting with the company. Know where you have come from, and – more importantly – where you are going.  你的产品也是如此. Don’t just think about what your product or service does – make it real by showing how it transforms a business or improves a life. 找到人际关系. The most un-sexy piece of B2B software affects a person somewhere down the line.

避免使用陈词滥调. Your company may be “transforming the way organisations do business” but you also have to explain exactly how you’re doing that. 注意技术术语. 不是每个你需要接触的人都是专家.

  1.  以身作则

对投资者来说尤其如此, 高级团队是关键, and building credibility for a startup often hinges on its founder. As a leader you may not necessarily be a fan of limelight, but you will need to be prepared to put yourself forward. If you are at the stage where your customer base is still small, communicating your expertise will be fundamental to building your company’s reputation.

If you have concerns about stepping into the public eye, read our 领导白皮书 to see how leaders with a wide variety of personality types find and develop the confidence to be a figurehead.

  1. 会注意到!

Customer stories are ideal – but unless you’re very lucky, you can’t rely on them for PR. Instead, create your own thought leadership content to show off your expertise. Just make sure that any articles you write are neutral, informative and well written.

Another option is to commission independent research or to collaborate with influential people in your industry to produce some original content that your audiences – and the media — will appreciate.

考虑让你的企业获得奖项. Even making it to a shortlist can boost your credibility.

  1. 建立更广泛的存在

不要只看传统媒体. Podcasts and speaking opportunities at conferences and events can be incredibly powerful. Take a holistic view and don’t regard these activities as separate from your PR strategy.

社交媒体也是你的公关不可或缺的一部分. Interactions on the right platforms can show a different side to an individual and company, 帮助建立受欢迎的因素. This connection with individuals is often overlooked in tech companies that operate in the B2B market, 但这很重要.

You can also make the most of your PR successes - whether that’s coverage, awards nominations or event appearances – by sharing them via email, 社交媒体渠道和你的网站

  1. 培养产生的兴趣  

所以,你在 星期日泰晤士报 十大网博靠谱平台你、你的产品或你的公司. Hundreds of people are heading to your site to find out more. 你准备好了吗??

当你激起潜在客户的兴趣时, 确保你能引导他们进入下一个阶段, 无论是购买, 安排一次聊天或下载更多信息.

在你的网站上有正确的内容是至关重要的, 以及易于访问的十大网博靠谱平台, 以及明确的行动呼吁. PR isn’t about selling, but once someone’s been driven to your website, they’re all yours!

  1.  找出有效的方法

最后,监控你的PR成功和失败. PR is not an exact science - a huge hit in a national newspaper doesn’t necessarily mean sales. 类似的, that customer you thought had found you on Google may turn out to have discovered you in a magazine article.

你怎么知道它起作用了? 继续在公司内部问问题. Not just within the sales and marketing teams, but in product and service development too. PR is a circular discipline – you reach customers via the media, but finding the right stories for the media ultimately comes from understanding what your customers want. 你需要一直复习这个.

If you’d like to know more about measuring PR, read our “Can Do”系列博客.

